About the Project
Integrating succulent plants into the daily routines of international students can provide numerous benefits beyond their aesthetic appeal. Incorporating these plants into the study environments of international students can be a valuable tool for enhancing academic performance and promoting overall wellness. By introducing a natural and sustainable solution, Bloom Garden aims to improve the academic performance of international students in Australia.

The project does not provide a comprehensive solution for addressing stress issues and academic challenges faced by international students in Australia.​​​​​​​
The Logo
The logo features a customized font with curvy serifs that create a floral effect. This unique design choice adds elegance and sophistication, helping the logo stand out and leaving a lasting impression. The floral design and use of green symbolize growth, nature, and creativity, aligning perfectly with the brand identity.
Bloom Garden mobile app is designed to assist international students with their plant maintenance. It includes features such as customizable watering schedules, tips on optimal sunlight exposure, and reminders for fertilization, ensuring that users can effortlessly maintain their plants while balancing their academic commitments.
To kick off the design phase and create the prototype, I took a thorough approach. I conducted in-depth interviews and targeted surveys to gather feedback and insights from users. The chart below shows that many participants may struggle to have plants due to limited time, space, and knowledge of plant care. These are the main issues that need to be addressed to help them start their plant journey.
By adding a plant management feature to the app, users can easily organize and take care of their plants. This feature could include personalized care schedules, reminders for watering and fertilizing, and a user-friendly database with details about different plant species. With these tools, users can simplify their plant care routines and help their plants thrive.
The design outcome presented is intended to fulfill the requirements of a master's degree and is not available in the market.

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